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初三英语下册说课稿范文-It must belong to Carla

来源:学大教育 时间:2016-03-28 16:50:51

说课稿对我们学习有很大的帮助,能够让我们掌握老师所讲内容中的重点知识,这样大家在学习的时候就能做到有的放矢了,下面学大教育网为大家带来初三英语下册说课稿范文-It must belong to Carla,供大家阅读和参考,希望能对大家有帮助。

1. Analysis of the teaching materials

The topic of this lesson is to talk about movie. This is an interesting topic for students. So all the activities in this lesson are helpful to raise students’ learning interest. By studying of this lesson, the students should know several kinds of movies and how to ask and answer preferences.

2. Analysis of the goals

One is knowledge goals. It includes 2 elements: Words and expressions, and target languages. You can see them on the screen, the Ss should know how to read and write them. In addition, you can also see ability objects, moral object, teaching key points and difficult points on the screen. English is not an isolated subject, by talking about the preference; it can build up the understanding and friendship to each other and help them to find out each other’s common ground.

3. Teaching Methods

Now we know what to teach above, next let’s see how to teach. My design concepts are: Task–based language teaching, cooperative and communicative methods. “Task-based” language teaching is a very good method of teaching English. In this way, the students are the principal part of teaching. And they are clear what their target is, so they will try their best to get the target. During this period, I’ll adopt the way of looking and listening, asking and answering, pairwork, groupwork and play games. These ways can stimulate Ss to think and encourage them to join in the activities

4. Teaching Aids

In order to help the Ss know different kinds of movies clearly, I use the multi-media computer to show them some movie fragments. And a tape recorder and some movie tickets will also be needed in this lesson.

5. Teaching Procedures

Step 1. Warming-up

First of all, I can say “Good morning, my students! How are you, today? I am very happy! So I want to sing a song. Do you want to sing this song with me? The Ss may answer “Yes!” Then sing the song with the whole class and ask them to clap their hands when they sing the song. Next say“My birthday is September 3 rd, and my friend gave me a basketball for gift, so do you want to play basketball with me?” I can use my head to lead the students to answer “Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.” In this way, we use vocabulary from earlier lessons to introduce the idea of using want to do sth to express preferences.

Step2. Pre-task

In this part, the Ss will learn some kinds of movies and match the words with the posters in the picture. First, I’ll play a movie fragment to let the students guess the meaning of Movie.Then show some movie tickets and ask Do you want to go to a movie? The Ss may answer“Yes, I do.” Second, show some movie fragments to teach the new words. Have them read the new words after me for several times. Then I can ask about the fragments What kind of movie is this? Ss answer one by one. Next ask Ss to work in pairs ask and answer the questions: What kind of movie is this? It’s a/an comedy/ action movie…. Then check their conversations by the whole class.

All these are designed on the basis of the learning rule, that’s from words to sentences, from easiness to difficulties. It can make the Ss understand more easily and better. I use some tickets to bring the Ss to a movie world naturally. From some real movie fragments, Ss can not only learn the new words easily, but also enjoy the beauty of the movies. Next ask the Ss to match the words with the things in the picture and I’ll have a check.

In order to consolidate the vocabulary in the Ss’ mind, I prepare a game for them. This is a memory game. I‘ll give them two groups of posters, there are four posters in each group, and the posters will move very fast on the screen, so the Ss should try to remember them very quickly. At last I’ll give some gifts to the winners. This activity is surrounded with a game. It can greatly promote the Ss’ interest in learning English.

Step 3. While-task

Before Ss listen to the tape, I’ll ask the Ss to look at the picture in 1a, and tell the Ss there is also a conversation in 1a, ask the Ss to read the conversation after me. Next, ask the Ss to guess where the two Ss are? The Ss may answer “They are in the cinema”. Then give the background information about cinema in foreign countries. So the Ss can predict something in the listening material and get the better listening result.

As for 1b, I’ll play the tape for the first time, ask the Ss to circle the kinds of movies in 1a. For the second time, I’ll check the answer with the Ss. Then ask the Ss to look at the tapescripts on Page 87, read the dialogue after the tape. This dialogue is easy for most of the Ss, so they can finish the work by listening to the tape once. But there are also some weak Ss who can’t write the correct answers, our teaching should meet the needs of all Ss; so I use the tapescripts to help the weak Ss get the better understanding.

After listening, I’ll ask them to do two oral practices. First, I ask the Ss to do the chain conversation. I divide the Ss into 5 groups. The Ss should ask and answer the questions one by one. The group that uses the least time is the winner. Before they do the competition, I’ll give them an example by asking three students. I think this is very necessary to give an example before the activity, from this, Ss know what to do and how to do it. Moreover, groupwork is an important step in language teaching; it can foster the Ss’ cooperative learning skills and have them understand the importance and happiness of sharing. Second, I’ll give a model dialogue on the screen, ask Ss to read it by themselves, and ask the Ss to work in pairs to make their own conversations according to the example. When they do the work, I can go around the class to help the Ss if necessary.

Step 4. Post-task

In this part, I’ll go through the new words and Grammar Focus with the whole class. I can ask them what we have learnt in this class. Lead the Ss to point out the key words and sentences by themselves.

Step 5. Homework

After class, I’ll let the Ss do a survey about the movies your classmates like and don’t like. Write a report in the exercise book. I think homework is so important that the Ss should speak English as much as they can in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

6. Design on the Blackboard

Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?

Period 1

comedy-comedies want to do sth 想要做某事

thriller-thrillers Do you want to go to a movie?

cartoon-cartoons Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

documentary-documentaries What kind of movie is this?

action movie-action movies It’s a/an comedy/action movie…

science fiction


I’ll write the new words, the usage of want and the target langue on the Bb, to tell the Ss the main points of this period.

7. Reflection about this lesson

1. In the teaching process, we should encourage the students to join, observe, practice, think independently and cooperate. Change their thought from “I have to study.” to “I want to study.”

2. As teachers, to make our English classrooms shine with vitality, we are laid with heavy burden, and we still have long way to go.

上文是学大教育网精心为大家准备的初三英语下册说课稿范文-It must belong to Carla,希望我们能够从阅读说课稿中获得进步,更多的说课稿请关注学大教育网。
